WATSON at the conference “Global Commodity Chains from a Risk Assessment Perspective”

On May 27-29, 2024, WATSON took part in the prestigious International Scientific Conference “Global Commodity Chains from a Risk Assessment Perspective” organised by the Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung (BfR) in Berlin.

Solutions for Transparency and Integrity in the EU Food System

During the conference, WATSON hosted a workshop titled “Solutions for Transparency and Integrity in the EU Food System”. This workshop was organised by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin’s Agri-food Chain Management Group and the Max Rubner-Institut’s Department of Safety and Quality of Meat. The workshop focused on showcasing WATSON’s vision and efforts in implementing a robust traceability framework for various EU food sectors.

Featured Speakers and Key Insights

The WATSON workshop featured distinguished speakers who shared their knowledge and experience on various aspects of food transparency and integrity:

  • Dr. Zhijun Wang (University College Dublin) discussed “The WATSON approach to transparency and integrity”.
  • Dr. Eleni Chatzidimitriou (Foodscale Hub) presented “A methodological framework for improving traceability & integrity throughout food value chains”.
  • Dr. Claudia Coral (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) focused on “Highlighting gaps in food fraud vulnerability assessment: An example of the meat supply chain”.
  • Dr. Paraskevas Bourgos (Netcompany-Intrasoft) explored “The role of blockchain on food value to ensure data integrity”.
  • Dr. Stelios Arhondakis (BioCoS) covered “DNA traceability in the olive oil value chain: ensuring product integrity and enhancing sustainability”.

The workshop concluded with an insightful discussion led by Prof. Dr. Dagmar Mithöfer (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin). The discussion focused on identifying key gaps in understanding food fraud vulnerabilities, exploring different approaches to traceability and authenticity, and highlighting digital technology solutions to combat food fraud issues effectively.


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Prof. Dr. Dagmar Mithöfer and Dr. Claudia Coral for organising this impactful workshop and providing us with the opportunity to present WATSON. A special thank you to all the speakers for their invaluable contributions!

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